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Peer Reviewed Journals


• Shim JP, Guo C and French AM (2015) Big Data and Analytics: Issues, Solutions, and ROI. Communications of the Association for Information Systems Conditionally Accepted.

• French, Aaron M.; Guo, Chengqi; and Shim, J.P. "Current Status, Issues, and Future of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 35, Article 10, 2014. 

Shim, J.P.; Dekleva, Sasha; French, Aaron M.; and Guo, Chengqi "Social Networking and Social Media in the United States, South Korea, and China," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 33, Article 28, 2013.

Guo, Chengqi., Hu, Xiaorui. “Rogue Insiders, Signature Loopholes, and Fraud Rings: Lessons Learned by a Chinese B2B Mogul.” International Journal of Accounting Information Management, Vol. 20(4), pp. 348 - 362, 2012.

• Loveless, D. J., Berkeley, Victoria., Tanaka, Kimiko., Zha, Shenghua., Crawford, Deborah., Guo, Chengqi. “Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration to Engage Diverse Researchers.” Journal of Faculty Development, Vol. 27, No. 2, May 2013.

• Shim, J.P., Dekleva, Sasha., Guo, Chengqi, Mittleman, Daniel, “Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad, and Facebook (TGIF) and Smart Technology Environments: How Well Do Educators Communicate with Students via TGIF?” Communications of the AIS, Vol 29(35), pp. 657-672, 2011.

Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P., Otondo, Robert, “Social Network Services in China: An Integrated Model of Centrality, Trust, and Technology Acceptance,” Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Vol 13(2), 2010.

• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, “Weblog Technology for Instruction, Learning, and Information Delivery,” Decision Science Journal of Innovative Education, Vol 7(1), January, 2009.

Guo, Chengqi., Hu, Xiaorui. “Rogue Insiders, Signature Loopholes, and Fraud Rings: Lessons Learned by a Chinese B2B Mogul.” International Journal of Accounting Information Management, Vol. 20(4), pp. 348 - 362, 2012.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “The Effects of Global Strategy on Local IT Manager and IT Management: A Focus on Factors Affecting Conflicts Management,” Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, Distinguished Research Award of Allied Academies Spring 2008 International Conference, Vol 12(2), November, 2008.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, and Kim, Mincheol “Developing a User Centered Model for Ubiquitous Healthcare System Implementation: An Empirical Study,” International Journal of Health Information Systems and Informatics, Vol 3(3), July, 2008.

Current Research
Guo C, Luo X, Shim J.P, Gurung A (2015) Understanding Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Mobile SNS: An Imposed Etic Approach with Schwartz Polar Dimensions. Revised and Resubmit, 3rd round. European Journal of Information Systems.
Guo C, Warkentin M, Luo X and Xie F (2014) Chinese and US Online Gaming Environments and Futures. Journal of Computer Games and Communications. To be submitted.

Book and Book Chapters
• Doss, A. D., Guo, Chengqi, and Lee, J. The Business of Criminal Justice: A Guide for Theory and Practice, Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6605-4.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, and Kim, Mincheol, “Towards a Conceptual Framework of Adopting Ubiquitous Technology in Chronic Health Care,” Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 2009.

• Wireless Technology: Applications, Management, and Security, by Steven R. Powell and J. P. Shim, Springer Publisher, Inc., 2008 (As research assistant).

Conference Proceedings
• Schmit, M., French, A., Guo, C., Shim, J.P. “An Exploratory Study on BYOD in Class: Opportunities and Concerns,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2015, Puerto Rico.

• Shim, J. P., Guo, C., French, A. “Big Data: Solutions and Challenges,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2014, Savannah, GA.

Shim, J. P., Guo, C. Welke, R. J., French, A., Mittleman, D., “BYOD: The Past, Present and Future,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2013, Chicago, IL.

• Loveless, D.J., Sturm, D.C., Guo, C., Tanaka, K., Zha, S., & Berkeley, E.V. “Negotiating diversity: Cross-disciplinary perspectives,” Paper presentation at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association (AERA) 2013, San Francisco, CA.

Guo, Chengqi, J.P., Shim, Xin, Luo, Anil, Gurung, “Validating Perception and Use of Mobile Social Network Service: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Study,” 2012 SIG GlobDev Proceedings, Pre-ICIS, December 15th, 2012, Orlando, FL.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi “Determinants of Purchasing Shareware,” Proceedings of The 11th Workshop on E-Business (WEB 2012), Pre-ICIS, December 15th, 2012, Orlando, FL.

• Shim, J. P., Guo, C., French, A., Dekleva, S., “Social Media Around the World,” Invited Panel Discussion, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2012, Seattle, WA.

Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J. P., Yu, Jongtae, “Ubiquitous Banking – Going Beyond Mobile Banking,” Proceedings of Pre-ICIS MISQE/SIM Academic Workshop, Pre-ICIS,  December 2011, Shanghai, China.

• Shim, J. P., Dekleva, Sasha., Guo, Chengqi, Mittleman, Daniel, “Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad, and Facebook (TGIF) and Smart Technology Environments,” Invited Panel Discussion, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2011, Detroit, MI.

• Kim, Mincheol, Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae, “Investigating Service Quality Factors of Korean Mobile Telecommunication Industry: An Integrated Approach,” Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, Special Session Presentation, November 2011, Boston, MA.

Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J. P., Luo, Xin, and Gurung, Anil, “Validating Perception and Use of Mobile Social Network Service: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Study,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2011, Detroit, MI.

Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P, “Adopting Social Network Services: An Integrated Model,” Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2010, San Diego, CA.

• Doss, D. Adrain, Guo, Chengqi, “The Arizona-Mexican Border: Analyzing Border Crossing Data and Reported Cyber-Crime Incidents between 2001 and 2009,” Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2010, San Diego, CA.

• Shim, J.P., Pearson, J. M., Schmidt, M., Sharman, R., Landry, B. L., Guo, C. Invited Panel Session: Current Status and Issues in Chinese Wireless/Mobile Communications and Virtual Networks, National Decision Sciences, November 2009, New Orleans, LA.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P, “Adoption of RFID for Enhanced Food Safety Management: A Qualitative and Explorative Approach,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae, “Socializing Online in Various Cultural Contexts: A Cross Nation Study of Social Network Service Development,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae, “The Impacts of User-Generated Video Content to the Internet and Telecommunication Business,” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2008, Baltimore, MD.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “Wearable Computing as Next Interaction Technology and Its Value for Virtual Team,” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2008, Baltimore, MD.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “The Effects of Global Strategy on Local IT Manager and IT Management: A Focus on Factors Affecting Conflicts Management,” Proceedings and Distinguished Award Winner of the Allied Academies 2008 International Conference, April 2008, Tunica, MS.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “Investigating and Predicting Technology Acceptance of Ubiquitous Banking Services: A Customer Perspective,” Proceedings of the Allied Academies 2008 International Conference, April 2008, Tunica, MS.

• Warkentin, Merrill, Aaron French, and Chengqi Guo, “Investigating the Antecedents of E-Commerce Non-Adoption and Rejection: An Empirical Analysis,” Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2007, Phoenix, AZ.

• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, Kim, Mincheol, “Applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to Ubiquitous Healthcare System Adoption,” Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2007, Phoenix, AZ.

• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae "RFID Application in Food Industry: A Case Study of Korean Food Safety Information System Project," Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2007, Keystone, CO.

• Warkentin, Merrill, Guo, Chengqi, Luo, Xin, Xie, Feifei, “An Assessment of U.S. and Chinese Online Game Environment and Futures”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2007, Keystone, CO.

• Warkentin, Merrill, Aaron French, and Chengqi Guo, “An Empirical Analysis of Antecedents of E-Commerce Non-Adoption and Rejection,” Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on eBusiness WEB2006, the AIS SIGeBIZ pre-ICIS Workshop, December 2006, Milwaukee, WI.

• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, "Weblogs: Technology for Instruction and Learning," Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2006, Acapulco, Mexico.



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