Peer Reviewed Journals
• Shim JP, Guo C and French AM (2015) Big Data and
Analytics: Issues, Solutions, and ROI. Communications of the
Association for Information Systems Conditionally Accepted.
• French, Aaron M.;
Guo, Chengqi; and Shim, J.P. "Current Status, Issues, and Future of
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)," Communications of the Association for
Information Systems: Vol. 35, Article 10, 2014.
• Shim,
J.P.; Dekleva, Sasha; French, Aaron M.; and Guo, Chengqi "Social Networking and Social Media in the United States,
South Korea, and China," Communications of the Association for
Information Systems: Vol. 33, Article 28, 2013.
• Guo, Chengqi., Hu, Xiaorui. “Rogue Insiders, Signature
Loopholes, and Fraud Rings: Lessons Learned by a Chinese B2B Mogul.”
International Journal of Accounting Information Management,
Vol. 20(4), pp. 348 - 362, 2012.
• Loveless, D. J., Berkeley, Victoria., Tanaka, Kimiko., Zha,
Shenghua., Crawford, Deborah., Guo, Chengqi.
“Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration to Engage Diverse Researchers.”
Journal of Faculty Development, Vol. 27, No. 2, May 2013.
• Shim, J.P., Dekleva, Sasha., Guo, Chengqi, Mittleman,
Daniel, “Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad, and Facebook (TGIF) and Smart
Technology Environments: How Well Do Educators Communicate with
Students via TGIF?” Communications of the AIS, Vol 29(35),
pp. 657-672, 2011.
• Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P., Otondo, Robert, “Social
Network Services in China: An Integrated Model of Centrality, Trust,
and Technology Acceptance,” Journal of Global Information
Technology Management, Vol 13(2), 2010.
• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, “Weblog Technology for
Instruction, Learning, and Information Delivery,” Decision
Science Journal of Innovative Education, Vol 7(1), January,
• Guo, Chengqi., Hu, Xiaorui. “Rogue Insiders, Signature
Loopholes, and Fraud Rings: Lessons Learned by a Chinese B2B Mogul.”
International Journal of Accounting Information Management,
Vol. 20(4), pp. 348 - 362, 2012.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “The Effects of Global
Strategy on Local IT Manager and IT Management: A Focus on Factors
Affecting Conflicts Management,” Journal of Organizational
Culture, Communications and Conflict, Distinguished Research
Award of Allied Academies Spring 2008 International Conference,
Vol 12(2), November, 2008.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, and Kim, Mincheol
“Developing a User Centered Model for Ubiquitous Healthcare System
Implementation: An Empirical Study,” International Journal of
Health Information Systems and Informatics, Vol 3(3), July,
Guo C, Luo X, Shim J.P, Gurung A (2015) Understanding
Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Mobile SNS: An Imposed Etic Approach
with Schwartz Polar Dimensions. Revised and Resubmit, 3rd round.
European Journal of Information Systems.
Guo C, Warkentin M, Luo X and Xie F (2014) Chinese and US
Online Gaming Environments and Futures. Journal of Computer Games
and Communications. To be submitted.
Book and Book Chapters
• Doss, A. D.,
Guo, Chengqi, and Lee, J. The Business of Criminal Justice: A
Guide for Theory and Practice, Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor &
Francis Group, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6605-4.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, and Kim, Mincheol, “Towards
a Conceptual Framework of Adopting Ubiquitous Technology in Chronic
Health Care,” Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and
Informatics, 2009.
• Wireless Technology: Applications, Management, and Security,
by Steven R. Powell and J. P. Shim, Springer Publisher, Inc., 2008
(As research assistant).
Conference Proceedings
• Schmit, M., French, A., Guo, C., Shim, J.P. “An Exploratory Study
on BYOD in Class: Opportunities and Concerns,” Proceedings of
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2015,
Puerto Rico.
• Shim, J. P., Guo, C., French, A. “Big Data: Solutions and
Challenges,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information
Systems (AMCIS), August 2014, Savannah, GA.
• Shim, J. P., Guo,
C. Welke, R. J., French, A., Mittleman, D., “BYOD: The Past,
Present and Future,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2013, Chicago, IL.
• Loveless, D.J., Sturm, D.C.,
Guo, C., Tanaka, K., Zha, S., & Berkeley, E.V. “Negotiating
diversity: Cross-disciplinary perspectives,” Paper presentation at
the annual conference of the American Education Research Association
(AERA) 2013, San Francisco, CA.
• Guo, Chengqi, J.P., Shim, Xin, Luo, Anil, Gurung,
“Validating Perception and Use of Mobile Social Network Service: A
Cross-Cultural Comparison Study,” 2012 SIG GlobDev Proceedings,
Pre-ICIS, December 15th, 2012, Orlando, FL.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi “Determinants of Purchasing
Shareware,” Proceedings of The 11th Workshop on E-Business (WEB
2012), Pre-ICIS, December 15th, 2012, Orlando, FL.
• Shim, J. P., Guo, C., French, A., Dekleva, S.,
“Social Media Around the World,” Invited Panel Discussion,
Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),
August 2012, Seattle, WA.
• Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J. P., Yu, Jongtae, “Ubiquitous
Banking – Going Beyond Mobile Banking,” Proceedings of Pre-ICIS
MISQE/SIM Academic Workshop, Pre-ICIS, December 2011, Shanghai,
• Shim, J. P., Dekleva, Sasha., Guo, Chengqi, Mittleman,
Daniel, “Twitter, Google, iPhone/iPad, and Facebook (TGIF) and Smart
Technology Environments,” Invited Panel Discussion, Proceedings of
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2011,
Detroit, MI.
• Kim, Mincheol, Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae,
“Investigating Service Quality Factors of Korean Mobile
Telecommunication Industry: An Integrated Approach,” Proceedings of
the 42nd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, Special
Session Presentation, November 2011, Boston, MA.
• Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J. P., Luo, Xin, and Gurung, Anil,
“Validating Perception and Use of Mobile Social Network Service: A
Cross-Cultural Comparison Study,” Proceedings of Americas Conference
on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2011, Detroit, MI.
• Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P, “Adopting Social Network
Services: An Integrated Model,” Proceedings of the 41st Annual
Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2010, San Diego, CA.
• Doss, D. Adrain, Guo, Chengqi, “The Arizona-Mexican
Border: Analyzing Border Crossing Data and Reported Cyber-Crime
Incidents between 2001 and 2009,” Proceedings of the 41st Annual
Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2010, San Diego, CA.
• Shim, J.P., Pearson, J. M., Schmidt, M., Sharman, R., Landry,
B. L., Guo, C. Invited Panel Session: Current Status
and Issues in Chinese Wireless/Mobile Communications and Virtual
Networks, National Decision Sciences, November 2009, New Orleans,
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, Shim, J.P, “Adoption of
RFID for Enhanced Food Safety Management: A Qualitative and
Explorative Approach,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2009, San Francisco, CA.
• Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae, “Socializing Online in
Various Cultural Contexts: A Cross Nation Study of Social Network
Service Development,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2009, San Francisco, CA.
• Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae, “The Impacts of
User-Generated Video Content to the Internet and Telecommunication
Business,” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of
Decision Science Institute, November 2008, Baltimore, MD.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “Wearable Computing as Next
Interaction Technology and Its Value for Virtual Team,” Proceedings
of the 39th Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute,
November 2008, Baltimore, MD.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “The Effects of Global
Strategy on Local IT Manager and IT Management: A Focus on Factors
Affecting Conflicts Management,” Proceedings and Distinguished Award
Winner of the Allied Academies 2008 International Conference, April
2008, Tunica, MS.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, “Investigating and
Predicting Technology Acceptance of Ubiquitous Banking Services: A
Customer Perspective,” Proceedings of the Allied Academies 2008
International Conference, April 2008, Tunica, MS.
• Warkentin, Merrill, Aaron French, and Chengqi Guo,
“Investigating the Antecedents of E-Commerce Non-Adoption and
Rejection: An Empirical Analysis,” Proceedings of the 38th
Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2007,
Phoenix, AZ.
• Yu, Jongtae, Guo, Chengqi, Kim, Mincheol, “Applying
the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to Ubiquitous
Healthcare System Adoption,” Proceedings of the 38th
Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, November 2007,
Phoenix, AZ.
• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, Yu, Jongtae "RFID
Application in Food Industry: A Case Study of Korean Food Safety
Information System Project," Proceedings of Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2007, Keystone, CO.
• Warkentin, Merrill, Guo, Chengqi, Luo, Xin, Xie,
Feifei, “An Assessment of U.S. and Chinese Online Game Environment
and Futures”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information
Systems (AMCIS), August 2007, Keystone, CO.
• Warkentin, Merrill, Aaron French, and Chengqi Guo, “An
Empirical Analysis of Antecedents of E-Commerce Non-Adoption and
Rejection,” Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on eBusiness WEB2006,
the AIS SIGeBIZ pre-ICIS Workshop, December 2006, Milwaukee, WI.
• Shim, J.P., Guo, Chengqi, "Weblogs: Technology for
Instruction and Learning," Proceedings of Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2006, Acapulco, Mexico.